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Penis Sleeves – What are They and How They Work

Many men are concerned that their penis size is not enough to adequately satisfy their partner. It is only natural that they seek out some kind of penis extension to use throughout their life. There are several ways to address this problem, from surgical implants to tissue extenders. However, it is often quite problematic to find a good doctor that a person can trust, let alone that, for many, these procedures are not financially accessible.

This is why penis sleeves or penis extensions are becoming more and more popular in the sex toy market. They have very affordable prices and help to tackle the problem with a non-invasive method. Let's take a closer look at what they do and how to use them correctly.

What is a Penis Sleeve?

A penis sleeve is a sex product that is placed on an erect penis. Penis sleeves are designed to add a little extra length or girth to the penis to improve sexual performance and encourage a more profound intimacy.

Penis sleeves are made from body-safe silicone and come in different sizes, colors and shapes. Guess what? Some have vibrations, meaning you get to enjoy several pleasurable benefits with your partner. These sex toys are useful for men who find it difficult to remain erect, and like penile rings, some penis sleeves are designed to cut off blood flow into the penis. Like most sex toys, penis sleeves are not designed to make men feel bad about their natural size and shape, but to give a new and amazing experience to men and their partners. After all, some of these sleeves have vibrator-kind of features that guarantees pleasurable intimacy.

Are they Effective?

There’s a lot of information on the internet regarding the effectiveness of penis sleeves. Some say its effectiveness depends on the individual needs of the user and that of their partners. From research, this sex toy works and it increases penis length.

For individuals with erectile dysfunction, penis sleeves are a saving grace. According to 2019 research, it was found that penis sleeves helped managed erectile dysfunction in men during sexual intercourse.

A study from a 2017 article shows that individuals with erectile dysfunction can achieve orgasm with the help of penis sleeves. It’s a non-surgical remedy for individuals with this sexual issue.

Why use a penis sleeve?

There are several benefits to using this sex device. It is a non-invasive method that is widely available and easily accessible in any sex shop or online store. Penis sleeves eliminate the risks that come with going under the knife, especially with unqualified health professionals. This condom-like sex toy allows you to enlarge your dick both in girth and in length, and to feel more confident in bed with your partner. Apart from this, penis sleeves have other benefits for men:

  • They prolong sexual activities by delaying premature ejaculation. The sleeve walls are usually thick and won’t allow you to ejaculate even if you want to since there’s less direct contact with your partner’s skin.
  • They also serve as sex toys since some models have vibration features.
  • They maintain their shape and structure regardless of whether you’re erect or not. If you ejaculate prematurely or lose an erection for some time, you can still continue the sexual act for a while until the erection is restored. There may be some softer versions of penis sleeves where this doesn't happen, so check the information on the package carefully.

How to use a penis sleeve?

As we said, there are a ton of different varieties of sleeves available online. If you want to use one with a partner, talk about what they might find visually exciting and sensation-wise. They might be curious about a girth enhancer but not the length, or vice versa, or both. You can use a penis sleeve with other sex toys, including a vibrator, penis pump, dildo, masturbator (aka stroker), or cock ring. When putting on a penis sleeve, you can apply lubricant inside, which can improve the stimulation of the glans and shaft. I used to write a guide on how to use penis sleeve, which may help you.

Are there Several Types of Penis Sleeves Out There?

Of course, there are several types and brands of penis sleeves, which is why this sex toy has different names. There are sleeves for men who have never gotten hard before, and there are penis sleeves for men that work effectively as long as the man is erect. These toys have just one major job —to keep you erect.

Then there are penis sleeves that cover your dick completely. There are penis sleeves with a partial opening at the head of your penis. Some others add girt to the base of your penis —suitable for men with a long dick but would love to add some decent circumference. There is also a special kind of penis sleeve that increases the side of your dick head.

Lastly, there are devices such as Jes-Extender and Quick Extender Pro, which are not penis sleeves but extenders. Unlike penis sleeves that increase your penis length, these extenders have two rings—one to hold the base of your penis and the other one for the head of your penis. These rings are connected using a rod, which keeps the dick erect and properly stretched out. It’s a good option for men with moderate erectile dysfunction.

What are Penis Sleeves Made From?

They’re mostly made from body-safe silicone. Although some are made from high-quality rubber, plastic or latex. Before getting a penis sleeve, ensure you’re not sensitive to any of the materials mentioned above. Many people are allergic to latex, so if you belong to this category, ensure you consult your doctor before getting a sleeve. Since the majority of penis sleeves are made from body-safe silicone, you have nothing to worry about. You can also get a penis sleeve that has an inbuilt vibrator, which can spice your sex life and feel pleasurable for you and your boo.

Are Penis Sleeves Safe for You?

It’s completely safe and an excellent alternative to going under the surgeon’s knife. It’s ideal for men with erectile dysfunction and men who would want to spice their sex life. Don’t get me wrong here, guys. Penis sleeves don’t just completely solve your sexual problem, they only help you manage it for a while. This approach is enough for some men; for others, you may need to contact your doctor to help you with other methods to solve your erectile dysfunction problem long-term.

For proper care, ensure you wash your sleeve regularly to avoid infections. Another thing you should know is that if you engage in regular sexual activity, a penis sleeve won’t save you from STIs or fractures. So, take it easy, use excellent lubes and do have a great moment with your partner.

Are There Other Options to Increase Penis Size?

Sure. There are tons of non-surgical options out there to help you out. I’ll focus on three approaches that you can take to help you increase your dick size—penile laser treatment, penis filler injections and P-shot injections.

You can use dermal fillers to increase the girth of the penis, but do know that they’re not FDA approved. So, ensure you contact a professional health consultant before taking this route. This procedure also increases the sensitivity of the penis. P-shot is another procedure that requires manual pumping of the penis to increase its size and function. It’s a trademarked procedure that involves the use of platelet-rich plasma injections as well as stem cells and exosomes to rejuvenate the penis. The penile laser option uses a laser to improve collagen and increase blood circulation to the penis, giving a lasting solution to the improvement of the dick size.

Instructions to Follow Before Using a Penis Sleeve

Penis sleeves are very easy to use. If it’s your first time using one, be sure to get a water-based lube and also ensure you get the right fit for you. That is, when erect, the penis sleeve should fit you. Erection is the criterion for determining if the sleeve is right for you.

When you first wear this toy, ensure you check that everything is working perfectly. Get erect, rub some lubes and then insert your penis into the sleeve. Ensure you shave well before even using a penis sleeve, especially around your testicles. Failure to do this can cause the sleeve to get caught by your pubic hair, which can cause pain during intense stroking. When using the sleeve during sex, you must apply lubricant to the external part of the sleeve. After use, you must ensure that the toy is properly cleaned and dried to ensure bacteria do not have access to the toy.

Final Words

A penis sleeve is a great toy for individuals that want to increase the girth and length of their penis. It can also help individuals with erectile dysfunction to achieve orgasm during sexual intercourse. I hope you had a great read. Leave your thoughts in the comment section.

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