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Effects Of Masturbation on Your Heart and Blood Pressure

Masturbation is the act of stimulating the genitals or other erogenous areas such as the anus or breast. It can be done manually or through sex toys. Masturbation is a form of self-knowledge of the body; it is part of sexual development, is not harmful to health, and can be performed whenever people feel comfortable doing it.

For several years, there has been a debate about the merits and demerits of masturbation. Some of the assumptions about masturbation are false and do not have any scientific confirmation. What's my advice on this issue? Be careful; you can't trust everything you read on the internet nowadays. There is also a special relationship between religion and masturbation. We will not consider this aspect. There is some truth in all this sea of information, and we will try to figure out why this topic is gaining more traction on the internet today.

You must know that it is typical for your blood pressure and heart rate to increase drastically during intercourse and masturbation. People with high blood pressure can have a fun time with their partners. So, why are people making a case about masturbation when there's evidently none?

Read on as we discuss extensively what happens to your blood pressure and heart rate when you masturbate. We'll also try to verify if these rumors circulating the internet have some truths. Without further ado, let's dive in.

Who Masturbates?

To start with the numbers: 95% of men and 70% of women who are not in a relationship regularly relieve sexual tension on their own. But the societal perspective of masturbation is still a subject of concern, and there's a great deal of stigma around the act. 

A woman masturbates in bed

To most men and women, masturbation is the first sexual act they experience. In younger children, masturbation is a healthy way to explore a growing child's body, and many people continue the action throughout their lifetime.

Since we live in a patriarchal, sexist and conservative society, female masturbation is more like a taboo. For example, it is easier for parents to accept that their son masturbates. For their female daughters, it's more like a sacrilege. While most guys can openly discuss their masturbating adventures, this discussion is not so natural for girls.

As these girls mature, they become more secure and can freely admit to wanking, although many women do not still dare to admit it. In most cases, female masturbation is discouraged right from childhood up to adolescence, such that women grow up not touching themselves, except encouraged by their partners.

Masturbation for guys is common among adolescents. Some young guys frequently masturbate daily, sometimes more than once per day. The need to masturbate decreases with age but remains for a lifetime, and married couples are no exception.

How Does this Action Affect Your Heart Rate?

Masturbation is a physical activity that requires energy, which means that it will undoubtedly cause your heart rate to increase. You should know that sexual intercourse and masturbation are equivalent to climbing several flights of stairs and brisk walking. I believe you know that these exercises will make you breathe heavily, right? So, if you can do these exercises daily without severely affecting your overall health, it simply means that sexual activities and masturbation won't impact you.

A study from 2012 shows that it is rare for individuals with normal blood pressure to have their hearts beat faster than 130 beats per minute and for their systolic blood pressure to be greater than 170mmHg during any sexual activity. The normal rate ranges from 60-100 beats per minute, and blood pressure is around 120/80 mm Hg.

Myths Surrounding Masturbation

There are several indications that men and women have been masturbating for donkey years, and several archaeological proofs date far back 6000 years to support this claim.
Over time and across different societies, masturbation has gained several meanings. Since the 17th century, there has been much intolerance from conservative and religious societies, classifying it as a sinful act.

It is common to see religious people looking in the Bible for passages that can be interpreted as proof that the act is wrong. With this condemnation, myths began to emerge about the possible harmful effects of masturbation on health.

To get an idea of ​​some absurdities, in the 17th and 18th centuries, the Catholic Church considered masturbation a worse sin than incest; some societies considered masturbation a crime with very harsh penalties and even doctors released books dealing with alleged diseases caused by the act of masturbating. During the 19th century, it was believed that masturbation could lead to madness.

I will not go into much detail about the religious aspect of masturbation, discussing whether masturbation is a sin or not. Since there are several religions in the world today, there will surely be several interpretations of what masturbation is. For some eastern religions, masturbation is highly encouraged, while in Christianity, it is a grave sin of the flesh.

Fortunately, today's medicine is based on scientific facts and in no way resembles that practiced a few centuries ago that condemned masturbation. Let's look at some of the myths that are not true.
1.It causes acne
2.Makes hair grow on the hands
3.Masturbating during menstruation makes women infertile
4.Masturbation causes impotence
5.It causes mental issues
6.Makes men grow breasts
7.Masturbation causes baldness
8.It causes heart attack
9.It causes urinary tract infections, etc.
These and many more myths have been passed down from generation to generation. Some myths associated with masturbation arise via the manipulation of scientific facts. For example, in the case of masturbation or sexual activities causing a heart attack, there's some truth in it but the chances of a heart attack happening while having a fun time are rare. My advice is that when you find myths like these, don't just swallow them hook, line, and sinker; instead, do more research about them for confirmation. That way, you'd know what you're up against.

Relationship Between Masturbation and Blood Pressure

For many people, masturbation can't raise their blood pressure to an extreme level, even if they have high blood pressure-related issues. The truth is, during sexual activities, heart rate and blood pressure will often increase. Common, sexual activity is more like a cardio exercise, so what do you expect? The good news is that after masturbating, your blood pressure will often return to normal.

When an individual is sexually aroused, there will be a series and sequence of reactions in the body that involves a change in the endocrine, circulatory and nervous systems. We'll look at the four stages of arousal in the human body and their effect on blood pressure.
Excitement Phase: During this phase, heart rate and blood pressure increase. Also, in this phase, you'll tend to breathe faster than normal, and there will be an instant flow of blood pressure to your genitals. 

Plateau Phase: During this phase, blood pressure, heart rate and other noticeable changes you went through will keep increasing until it reaches the maximum limit.
Orgasm Phase: in this phase, your heart rate and blood pressure reach their climax, and you may experience involuntary muscle contractions.
Resolution Phase: In this phase, your body returns to its default state.

When Should You Be Worried?

You should consider meeting a professional doctor if you experience pain when masturbating or during other sexual activities. If you also find it challenging to be erect for longer periods or you're concerned about your blood pressure, you should also discuss these issues with your doctor to proffer lasting solutions.

Top Benefits of Masturbating

  • Helps to know your body

Pursuing pleasure leads to exploring one's body and knowing, consequently, what we like and don't. This is why masturbation is necessary, especially for women who have never experienced an orgasm.

  • Improve your sex life

Masturbation improves your sexual relationships with other people, as it makes you get to know your body and discover what stimulates you and what doesn't.

  • It's good for your heart

Exercising is good for your heart, but masturbation, like exercise, gets your heart pumping and helps your blood flow. If you do this regularly, you will significantly reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

  • Strengthens your immune system

Orgasms release cortisol, a stress hormone that, in small doses, helps strengthen the immune system.

  • Avoid depression

Studies show that orgasms increase endorphins, also known as feel-good hormones, which lowers the chances of suffering from depression.

  • Reduces the risk of cervical cancer

A study proves that female masturbation can protect against cervical infections by regularly flexing the cervix.

  • Reduces the risk of prostate cancer

A study presented at the most recent American Urological Annual Meeting suggests that men who ejaculate at least once a month are less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer.

  • It's good for your self-esteem.

Experts say that people who masturbate are more comfortable with their bodies and sexuality.

  • Helps you sleep

Orgasms lower blood pressure and release endorphins, allowing you to sleep peacefully.

  • Relieves menstrual pain

Many women have reported that their period pains have subsided or stopped when masturbating.

  • It's safe

You don't have to worry about sexually transmitted diseases or unwanted pregnancies for apparent reasons.


Masturbation and other sexual activities will increase your heart rate and blood pressure. For individuals without any heart condition, this shouldn't be a problem. It's a normal phenomenon.
When masturbating, doctors advise those people whose blood pressure can change several times a day to be especially careful. Uncontrolled hypertension can put a person at risk of cardiac arrest and even stroke.

If you need help regarding your sexual health, do not hesitate to contact your doctor as fast as possible. Your health, whether physical, mental or sexual, is of importance and shouldn't be neglected.


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FEMALE SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION: All You Need To Know About The Difficulty That Some Women Experience In Enjoying Sexual Pleasure

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