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Questions have been raised on this topic is several Q and A sites, several people come on to talk about the topic and share their stories about it, most of them men. This prevents the replies from qualified health care providers from making the list, that why I am going to be sharing with you the answers to the above question, do women experience wet dreams?

Wet dream is a popular concept that you would have been made familiar with it in the biology class from high school. It is associated with pubescent boys, and raging hormones are the reasons for experiencing midnight ejaculation. Most people do not extend the concept to women, because all the cases of nocturnal emissions are related to boys and sometimes men.

For this sake of explanation, I would like to explain what wet dream is, wet dream is when a boy experience the ejaculation of semen while asleep, this is a normal occurrence that happens during the REM sleep, when your heart rates increases and blood flows to your genitals, any form of stimulation can trigger an ejaculation.

The question now is that, do women experience wet dream?

Women experience wet dream as well, the reason why we do not have extensive study of it occurring with the women folk is because the vaginal fluid does not come in the same quantity as we have when women experience wet dream, during the nocturnal emission of a man, there is an obvious release of semen that could be noticed immediately it comes out or after waking up and the man feels some wetness down there.

The almost-lack of research into female wet dream is the reason why a lot of teenage girls grew up thinking they have some kind of incontinence problems, when they wake up, and they notice a patch of wetness around their groin area. Men are made to know about experiencing this, so there is no surprise that they do not bat eyes when they experience this, it is even seen as a rite of passage into their masculinity and adulthood, whereas the women folk do not have many materials pointing out the fact that this occurrence is not restricted to a gender.

Why do we experience wet dreams?

Wet dreams or sleep orgasms are the result of an active mind. Majorly, there are two factors that contribute to having wet dreams.

  • Dreams

A sexual dream can easily lead to you having a wet dream, this is the perfect ground for such to happen. Following the process of the dreamscape as it unfolds, you might be involved in various sexual activities in your mind and the ending to most stimulation is orgasm, which is what you get and see as your wet dream. There are various reasons why you would have sexual dreams, these reasons include frequent viewing of porn videos, abstinence of sex, fantasies, and it could also be a side effect to some medications.

  • Consumption of sexual contents

When you consume a lot of sexual content, it is a form of food for the mind, you are feeding your mind, and your mind will only give back what it has been fed. The result of this is wet dream, a mind filled with sexy and raunchy images and videos will find a way to purge itself and what better way to purge itself than a heady case of midnight fun and release.

  • Stress and excitement

When you give yourself to too much stress and excitement, you tend to experience more wet dreams, your blood is pumping and all your sex organs needs to be awakened is the influx of blood into the blood vessels. Any form of stimulation at this point can lead to you experiencing wet dream or sleep orgasm.

How wet dreams overrides the sleep

Wet dream is also referred to as sleep orgasm. When you are asleep, your body is relaxed and all the worries that cloud your mind and prevent you experiencing orgasm while awake are not present, this way, your body is able to push forward and override your control. The body mimics the physical processes of arousal and from this your clitoris is pumped with blood just as it would if you manually stimulate it yourself. Your body just want a release and that is what is going to happen, you get an orgasm in your sleep. Accounts of women that have experienced this showed that some wake up feeling just as they would after an actual orgasm, while others wake up with an intense arousal.

If you would like to experience sleep orgasm or wet dream, what should you do?

Orgasm in your sleep might be uncontrollable and only your body and mind decides if it will happen, not everyone has experienced, some people experience it on a low frequency while some other people get it often. But, there are things you can do to seduce your own mind into having an orgasm in your sleep.

  • Put yourself in a state of arousal before sleeping.

Reading some raunchy piece of erotica or watching a bit of porn before falling to sleep can give your mind ideas on what to do while you are asleep. Especially for an imaginative mind, you can start the whole foreplay with your mind throughout the day, so that by the time you fall asleep, your mind still feels an after effect of the tease you have given yourself all day long. This will likely encourage a sleep orgasm

  • Fantasize about sex with a crush and any other fantasies you have

Another way to put your mind and body in a state of arousal is to fantasize about sex with a crush or a partner, keep sending positive sexual thoughts towards the person, even if they are not with you. This helps your brain to help create a dreamscape for you, while you sleep, and this can induce an orgasm in your sleep.

  • Sleeping on your stomach

This sleep position creates constant stimulation of the clitoris, especially if you have on silky nightwear, this gives a soft friction on the clitoris and can easily make you aroused while sleeping. Once you are aroused, orgasm is not far behind.

  • Edging and ruining your own orgasm

When you edge your orgasm a lot and even ruin it, your body might find another way of finding a release, if you would not mind the disappointment feeling that accompany a ruined orgasm, you can try it out and doing this several times in a week can trigger your mind into taking matters into its own hands.

There is always to side to a coin, while there are people that desperately wish to experience sleep orgasm, there are others that will do anything to make it stop. That is how life works, what one person has in abundance, another yearns for. This goes vice-versa, if you fall into the category of those that want to stop their frequent wet dreams or sleep orgasm, continue below.

How to stop having wet dreams or sleep orgasm

While I have helped you to establish the fact that both men and women experience wet dream, there are accounts of women and men that have issues with wet dreams, only in the reversal, they cannot stop their bodies from experiencing this while asleep. If you fall into this category of those looking for ways to stop experiencing sleep orgasm due to how uncomfortable or embarrassing you find it, check out these tips below:

  • Most people that account for having wet dreams more than usual are those that have less sex or do not masturbate often. It is needless to say that a lifestyle of infrequent sex or sexual release can put your body at a point where it would have to look for release by itself. Hence, the sleep orgasm. To reduce the frequency of sleep orgasm, you can increase your masturbation or even participate in sexual activities that will allow you to orgasm and ejaculate more. This will help to relieve your sexual tension in your body.
  • Reduce the contact with your sexual organs might help, when you sleep facing down, there is an added friction on your sex organ and this can induce the flow of blood into it. Sleep on your side or on your back. This reduces friction that could occur while you sleep.
  • If the incessant wet dream or sleep orgasm has gotten to a stage where the frequency is simply too much, you might want to consider visiting a doctor and explaining the situation. There are medicines that can be prescribed to deal with incessant wet dreams. Antidepressants are quite effective in dealing with issues of excessive wet dreams. The side effect of antidepressants is that they may make it difficult to ejaculate when you wish to.
  • Healthy relaxation technique help to prevent excessive sleep orgasm. Eat healthily and sleep for an average of seven to eight hours a day, this put your body in a state of calm. Studies have shown that a stressful lifestyle increases the tendency to experience incessant wet dream or sex orgasm.
  • Do not watch porn before bed. Watching porn before bed puts your body and mind in a state of arousal that can trigger you into experiencing an orgasm while you sleep. Remove sexy pictures and videos from your view when you are near to sleep and simply go to sleep on a very light mind, probably by reading or watching materials that are not sex related in any way, this cleanses your mind.
  • If you could, a cold shower before bed helps to reduce the sensitivity of your body to contact, this helps to prevent any form of accidental stimulation while you sleep.
  • Caffeine is a stimulant, it heightens your sensitivity and this is not what you want before going to bed, once you are near sleep, do not take in caffeine, instead, drink water to hydrate your body and keep it in good shape

Health benefits of wet dreams

As much as there are no special benefits of wet dreams and sleep orgasms aside from the benefits that one gets from orgasms by conscious stimulation. The release of hormones that accompany the orgasm, these hormones are beneficial to the body, especially for people that are practicing abstinence and do not get to experience the release of these feel good and body relaxing hormones.

Orgasm helps to boost the immune system, especially women, because the more orgasm a woman experiences, the more her body prepares for pregnancy. When the body is in this constant state of cleansing and immunity boosting, you are going to suffer fewer bouts of flu and cold.  

For men, sleep orgasm helps to clear out the old stock of sperm and your body is going to produce more sperms that are new and have better quality than those that has been stored in for long. In short, the supply of sperm remains fresh.


Wet dreams might be considered to be a normal occurrence for men and no one would bat an eye if a man own up to experience them, other than to advise him to get involved in more sexual activities as this might be the reason he is experiencing wet dreams post puberty. This might be true to some extent, but as I have explained above, some men still experience wet dreams after puberty, although the accounts given are not as much as those that are still going through puberty.

For women, there are not much account of women experiencing wet dreams or sleep orgasms, and this could be as a result of the view of society on the sexuality of women. Women experience just as much as men, even more so, according to some studies. Sleep orgasm in women is normal, it is no pointer to any condition or sickness. Generally, wet dreams and sleep orgasms are normal, and are signs of a healthy mind, except in cases where it has become incessant, which is the point where the services of a health care provider is needed. As a woman, you have a right to your sexuality, express it as much as you want, without shame or force.

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