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The Guide to Vibrator: Types of vibrators and How To Use A Vibrator

When it comes to sex toys nothing can beat the power of Vibrators. Because regardless of the invention of many other sexual stimulatory toys, vibrators are still at the top of the list of most selling sex toys. To reach the destination of pleasure, there are plenty of paths you can walk on but, of course, with so many paths, some must be more intense and exciting than others. That’s why we are here today to help you take the path towards your pleasure destination. Here, is the complete guide to Vibrators and their multiple types to help you choose what’s best for you.

What are Vibrators?

Vibrators are sex toys used by millions of humans around the globe to lost in the pleasure their bodies have to offer. Vibrators, now also called massagers, are used to introduce sexual stimulation in the body with their electronic powers of creating pulses or vibrations.

These sex toys are of multiple types based on their material, physical appearance, and stimulatory powers. But the one thing is the same in all; they are meant to provide sexual pleasures to the user. By using them on the specific erogenous zones, one can create sexual stimulation and feel the pleasure rising in their body which ultimately leads to the most exciting orgasms they can ever experience.

Erogenous zones include the areas which are more sensitive to touch and can increase sexual pleasure like a penis, vaginal area including clitoris and vulva, anus, behind the knee, Neck Nape, the feet, ear lobe.

Types of Vibrators

Every person on the planet is made differently and when it comes to sexual pleasure, they also differ in what can awaken as well excite their sexual sense. That’s why you should step forward and try what is best for you when it comes to sexual pleasure because it would be a shame to not explore your wildest side.

So, here are different types of vibrators you can try to find out what turns out to be the best way of reaching your pleasure destination:

1. Rabbit Vibrator

Designed to look like the phallic shaft, Rabbit Vibrator is used for vaginal and clitoris stimulation with a stimulator attached to what looks like a shaft. The name Rabbit Vibrators indicates the shape of this sex toy which looks like the standing ears of a Rabbit.

It is very much different than the traditional dildo and is meant to provide more intense stimulation to a women’s clitoris and vagina. The original Rabbit Vibrators used to have a rotating shaft to make the experience much more pleasurable and exciting. But now with many brands coming up with varieties of shapes, sizes, and qualities, Rabbit Vibrators without rotating shafts are also available.

2. Egg Vibrator

Eggs Vibrator breaks the traditional myth that sexual pleasure depends on the size of a sex toy; the bigger the size greater the pleasure. But this is not the case now. Egg vibrators are merely a few inches long, round in shape, sex toys to stimulate the different erogenous zones of the human body to initiate and intensify sexual pleasure.

With its usage ranging from clitoris to nipples, egg vibrators are proved to be very fierce regardless of their diminutive size. Egg vibrators are available in different types like without remote or with remote to control the intensity of vibration to explore your sexual desires. Or those with removal strings to enjoy the penetrative fun.

3. Remote Vibrator

It is obvious by the name “Remote Vibrators” that they come with a designed remote control to leave you in charge of your sexual pleasure. Remote Vibrators are best to explore your erotic side and try at what lengths your body can take you to reach your pleasure destination.

Remote Vibrators can be of any type like remote-controlled clitoral vibrators, remote-controlled rabbit vibrators, remote-controlled G-spot vibrators, and so on.

4. Bullet Vibrator

This is the best choice for all those first-timers afraid to try something big and noisy (which is a major drawback complained by vibrator users often). Bullet Vibrators took to fame because of their non- bulkiness, lightness, and silent operation.

Bullet Vibrators were originally designed for clitoris stimulation to help you activate all 8000-nerve endings on your Clitoris to experience the best sexual stimulation of your life. Bullet Vibrators are also of many types like small bullet vibrators, no longer than the size of a finger, large bullet vibrators with the size of a wand, bullet vibrators with attached suction cups to intensify the feeling, etc.

5. Wand Vibrator

For the solo sexual pleasure of heat things up during partner play, Wand Vibrators offer wondrous applications when it comes to reaching sexual satisfaction. Wand Vibrators are famous for giving people the most gob-smacking orgasms of their life.

What makes the Wand Vibrators different is that these are not designed for penetration and are just for external use. Unlike Dildo or rabbit vibrators, its application lies specifically in the stimulation of your Clitoris and not your G-spot that’s why it comes with a large bulbous head which is meant to stimulate thousands of nerve endings not just on your Clitoris but the whole vaginal area.

6. Clitoral Vibrator

Bullet Vibrators or Wand Vibrators? Nothing? Do try these Clitoral Vibrators if the above two options didn’t work best for you. For all those clit owners, the Clitoral Vibrators is like a dream come true. Clitoral Vibrators are designed specifically to induce clitoral stimulation and nothing else. These tend to cover more area and vibrations tend to be stronger than others.

7. G-Spot Vibrator

G-spot Vibrators are designed for internal use and are slightly curved to hit the G-spot of the user to make it as realistic as penetration feels. These Vibrators come in varieties of shapes and sizes to help in reaching the best G-spot stimulator orgasms of your life. If you want to be bold and experience something intense, go for the egg G-spot vibrators which have around and slightly bulging tips to cover the whole G-spot and induce vibration directly there.

8. Sucking Vibrator

Now, this is for some brave sexual enthusiasts out there who are not afraid of trying something mind-blowing and new ways to explore more of their erotic side. These are designed with the idea of oral sex on the mind. The clitoral suction technology of Sucking Vibrators replicates and provides the same experience as the real oral sex provides.

The suction mouth at the tip provides a tingly airy feeling around your clitoris which advances slowly to make your orgasm build along with it. Some are even designed to provide a bit of licking and kissing feeling when applied a bit of pressure to make the experience as realistic as it could be.

9. Thrusting Vibrator

The most intimidating option to go for in the whole list of vibrators here. Why? Because it is not like your regular vibrator it can make you feel the real penetration-like feeling due to its moving ability. Yes, you heard it right, along with vibration it moves and thrusts inside copying the same movements a real penis or a strap-on does during penetrative sex.

The best thing is that its use doesn’t require manhandling. You just have to insert it in and that’s it, let it work wonders inside the vagina, and use your hands for any other sensual play to enhance the pleasure.

10. Wearable Vibrator

Another hands-free option that is equally bold and intimidating as others are the not-so-famous Wearable Vibrators. This is highly underrated but those who use this know what wonders it holds in it and how its vibrating powers can make you scream.

The best thing is that it works silently in building your orgasm while you can run your daily errands. Remote-controlled Wearable Vibrators are preferred because it gives you or your partner control the vibrations and make the whole experience more fun and intimidating. Wearable Vibrators are available in diverse varieties ranging from wearable clitoral vibrators and G-spot vibrators to wearable anal beads or heating massagers.

Material Type of Vibrators

Whatever kind of Vibrators you are using, make sure its quality is best and of high standards. Because the last thing you would want is to get infected or harm the vaginal area by using low-quality products. Vibrators are available in varieties of materials ranging from Silicone and plastic-made Vibrators to PVC-made or jelly-like vibrators.

Silicone and Plastic made Vibrators are harder and give a bulky and strong feel which can enhance the whole pleasure process. While Jelly like material or latex made are more flexible and feels like a real penis due to their softness and flexibility reach G-spot like the real penis can do.

Glass-made vibrators are also available in the market to make pleasure-seeking a fancy and beautiful process. Metal-made Vibrators are also present to experience more intimidating sexual experiences. Aluminum and Steel are the most common metallic material in sex toys, especially in Vibrators.

Benefits of using a Vibrator

You must be thinking what else a vibrator can provide you except sexual pleasure? Well, your favorite sex toy has a lot more benefits than just helping you reach your orgasm. Here, have a look at some advantages of using vibrators:

1. Vibrators help you sleep soundly

When you reach your climax there is a hormone named “Prolactin” released in your body. This hormone is associated with sleep, relaxation, and happiness. And whenever you have your orgasm, this hormone is released making your tense muscles relaxed which helps in giving you sounder and peaceful sleep.

2. Good for your Health Heart

Having sex is good for women’s health, claimed by Michigan State University. The endorphins released in your body during the pleasure process help release stress and relax your body muscles which ultimately takes a load of making your body stress-free off of the heart and help it relax for a while.

3. Relieve Stress

This must be obvious by now. When someone reaches their climax every muscle in the body releases the tension and relaxes down. Oxytocin and Serotonin hormones are associated as the anti-stress hormones and these are released along with prolactin whenever you reach climax. The presence of these hormones helps relax your body and mind at the same time.

4. Good for Vaginal Health

Vibrators are good for vaginal health too. When aroused, your vaginal cells release secretions which line your vaginal area. These secretions are full of important chemicals which deter the bacteria and cleanse off the dead cells. Also, the elasticity of vaginal muscles increases due to frequent masturbation (via vibrators) or sex which also helps in keeping your vagina moist and infection-free.

How Do Vibrators work?

As we already mentioned in the earlier section of this blog that vibrators are of different types and operations of each differ from the other. So, it depends on which vibrator you have.

If you have vibrators just for “External use” then these are meant to stimulate your clitoral muscles as well as your external vaginal muscles to help you satisfy your sexual desires. The “penetrative vibrators” are meant to use internally by inserting them inside your vagina which then will stimulate your G-spot to help you reach your climax in a more intensifying way.

If you are using hands-free penetrative vibrators then your work is just to insert them in and everything else will be handled. If it's not auto-functioning then you would have to thrust it in and out on your own while its vibratory powers will keep you on the edge at the same to make you have your orgasm.

How to use A Vibrator?

Have a look at the complete step-by-step guide to use Vibrators effectively:

Use of Non-Penetrative Vibrators


  • Make sure your hands are washed and clean before you touch your sex toy.
  • Clean your vibrator before using it by cleaning wet cloth or water, as mentioned in the user guide of packaging.
  • Now lie down on the bed with your legs wide open and relax.
  • Add a lube both on your vaginal area and on your vibrator to heat things and make them feel realistic.
  • Now turn on your vibrator and touch its tip on your Clitoris and keep it there for a while. Then slowly start sliding it up and down. Feel which area is more sensitive to it and keep it there and apply a little pressure. If using a clitoral vibrator, Keep the hole of a vibrator at your clitoris properly to enjoy the sensation.
  • That’s it, now explore on your own and reach your climax like never before.

Use of Penetrative Vibrators

  • Make sure to clean both your hands and your vibrator before starting with the process.
  • Apply a generous amount of lube on your vagina and vibrator as it is meant for to penetrative process.
  • Then lie down with your legs wide open. If you are standing, open your legs wide and bend your knee a little to make your pelvic muscles open enough to make penetration easy.  
  • Now on your vibrator and slowly glide it on your vagina to help your muscles adjust to the feeling. Then gradually insert the tip of your vibrator into your vagina. When comfortable insert the full length inside or with which you are comfortable.
  • Now if it is hands-free remove your hands and let it work wonders. But if it is to be guided manually then slowly start thrusting in and out. And when the feeling enhances the speed of your strokes and lets you dive into the depths of pleasure.

How To Clean and Store Vibrators?

Warm Water and Soap are all you need to clean your vibrators. But if you have some extra money up your sleeve and don’t want to risk your vaginal hygiene then there are varieties of foaming and spray sex toys cleaner out there. You can use those to clean your vibrators.

  • With Soap and water, just dip a clean cloth in warm water and clean the excess material from the surface thoroughly.
  • Now, if your vibrator is washable, put it underwater and scrub with soap thoroughly to clean it properly.
  • When washed, dry it with a clean dry cloth. You can also sir dry it with your regular blow dryer.
  • When dried completely store it in a cool, safe, and dry place. It is recommended to store it in a box it comes in. But a safe drawer in your closet can work equally fine.

How to choose a Vibrator?

Which vibrator to choose is entirely up to you. Do you want something exciting to spice up your sex life? Or are you looking for a reliable and sustainable thing you can use frequently to blow off the heat? Or your interest lies in trying something bold and challenging?

Choosing a vibrator depends on you as what you want to experience in your pleasure journey.

  • First of all, decide what types of vibrators you want?Just an external stimulator or internal? Or one which is a combination of both?
  • Then decide what size you want because there are many sizes available out there. For first-timers, it is recommended to go with medium or small-size vibrators. In the case of vibrators, size does just not mean length it also means the width of the vibrator. The broader the vibrator the intense the climax will be.
  • Now think of a design. Straight, curved, patterns, or something else? Search through hundreds of designs available and decide what will work best for you. For an exciting and more erotic experience go with curved and pattern-based vibrators. If you want to stay simple and just want to enjoy the feeling then simple and smooth-surfaced vibrators will be enough.
  • Next, most importantly, look for body-safe materials. Choose those vibrators which are made of standard and approved materials to prevent any harm in the future. Silicone, Glass, Metal, Jelly, and latex-made vibrators are safe to use.
  • Last but not least look how much you are willing to spend on your pleasure tool?There are vibrators out there with prices ranging from 20$ to 1 Million $. So, look what is easy for you to buy. Keep in mind that with the increase of price the qualities and advantages will also increase. But in the end, it's your easiness and pleasure that matter the most.

So, choose wisely and do not forget to search a lot before buying any vibrator. Also, visit your local sex store to get to know a different kind of vibrators. If you are not comfortable buying physically then order online.

Here are some of the best vibrators to help you narrow down your search:

  • The Womanizer is best for Clitoral Play
  • Double-Sided Wand Vibrator is best for both external and internal stimulation
  • The French Lover Vibrator is best to experience the Oral Action with its artificial tongue-like structure designed for licking.
  • Pom Vibrator is best which fits in your hand and provides targeted stimulation. A little press and the round vibratory structure will take you to cloud nine.
  • The Tennis Pro Vibrator is best for Beginners.
  • The Nova-2 Vibrator is best who wants a combo of both internal and external stimulation.

Safety Precautions

  • Always read the “User Guide” before using the vibrators.
  • Do not inset non-penetrative vibrators inside your vagina as they can damage your vaginal muscles.
  • Make sure the lube you are using is compatible with the vibrator material. To avoid any issues, always use water-based lube.
  • Keep the vibrator and its remote out of the reach of the children.
  • Do not use any DIY or homemade Vibrators or don’t treat your vagina with anything vibrating except the professional-approved sex toys. Otherwise, you can face serious vaginal damage.

So, that’s it for now. This is all you need to know about the vibrators, their usage, and their different types. You are ready to experience the solo pleasure or spice up the partner play with a vibrator of your desired qualities. With vibrators, all you have to do is imagine the way to give yourself pleasure and then leave it to the little sex toy in your hand.

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