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Sex toy materials 101:The best sex toy material

If you are an adult, we know you are introduced with the sex toy terms and even hope someone use it. Different types of sex toy are available in market for the beginner to the advanced for different purposes. Sex toy is the complimentary term in the sex industry and the business organization introduced it many ways. Some events have been key concerning topics in the sex toy since the introduced it. Most of the people are concerned on the sex toy materials and its quality and side effects. But business organizations are now continuously trying to minimize the risks of sex toy with using the effective sex toy materials. This article is just for you. You can get more answer by reading it and introduced with different sex toy and its materials.

Sex Toy:

We are very much introduced with the ancient culture and civilization. Especially in the Sindh, Egyptian Civilization, there was large providence to use the sex toys for some events. The journey of sex toys even though changed its form, but day by day it becoming updated. For the health, enjoyment, time issues etc purposes, the sex toys spreading every corner of the world. This would be trusted equipment for who are needy and do better sexual intercourse. Experts are also appropriated sex toys for getting maximum pleasure and health benefits.

Sex toys material:

The materials of sex toys are common concern for all the people. But most of people can’t get proper information of sex toy’s materials. As a result, they are misguided and sometimes they are choosing negative sex toys.  So be careful to buy sex toys. A well brand can fulfill your sex toys demand, for example, honeysx.com.

The sex toys can be dangerous if they aren’t made using safe materials. So , be careful to choose your sex toys from market. Nowadays sex toys manufacturers are very much concerned on their customer’s health safety. As a result they are engaging new sex materials which has no health risk and more comfortable to use. Customers and manufacturers can be more beneficiaries from sex toys if they are well concern on the sex toys materials. Here we listed important sex toys materials which have large user and common.

In this article we would try to introduce various types of sex toys materials for new starter and users. This article would be your best reading in which you can know everything about sex toys materials.  So, enjoy this sex toys materials article and use it in your personal purposes.

Sex toys Material Silicone

We are everyone introduced with the term Silicone. But some people have two meaning. First is that Silicone is introduced by Silicone Vally.  On the other side, every sex toys user are well known with Silicon sex toys. Here we are discussing the silicone as the most important sex toys material. Silicone is the Cadillac of sex toy and it has good response in the sex toys industry. Silicone is a polymer which is made up from siloxane. The silicone is like oil and rubber substance. Basically silicone is colorless and very much soft things. Silicone is used for medicine, making lubricant, thermal and electrical insulation. The sex toys industry is used it as their primary products in the most of the sex toys.  It has also different form – silicone rubber, silicone oil, silicone grease are common.

Features and characteristics of Sex toys material Silicone

1. Silicone is non reactive and stable.

2. Silicone is resistant to extreme environment and temperature.

3. Cost saving sex toy material.

4. Silicone is non porous, and phthalate free.

5. It is easy to clean for its materials.

6. You can clean the silicone sex toys in the dishwasher.

7. It is easy to disinfect by using simple way, just use bleach and water.

8. Various types of silicone made sex toys are available just for its sustainability and health issues.

9. This is convenient for every user as well as new starter of sex toys manufacturers.


We urged to use these silicone made sex toys for getting maximum pleasure.

Medical Silica Gel

The medical silica gel is a highest quality material especially for sex toys. This has medical applications also. But currently, many sex toys manufacturers are using medical silica gel for making sustainable sex toys and they focused on health issues as well as sexual intercourse pleasure.

Features and Characteristics of Medical Silica Gel:

1. This is very robust lamination of layers.

2. This sex toys material is non toxic

3. It is suitable for vibrator sex toys.

4. Medical silica gel is anti bacterial.

5. Medical silica gel makes sure the safety of sex toys from any kind of infection.

ABS Plastic

ABS plastic or Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene is a common polymer. In the present time, many sex toys manufacturers understood the positive sides of ABS plastic and they are using it to make sex toys especially different kinds of vibrator.

Features and Characteristics of ABS Plastic:

1. ABS plastic is relatively harmless and less adverse effects.

2. It has reasonable production costs. That’s why this sex toys material are very suitable for new starter as well as big companies.

3. ABS Plastic sex toy material is recycling products.

4. ABS Plastic sex toys material is lightweight and suitable for a vast range of applications.


TPE or thermoplastic elastomer is vastly used material for sex toys. It has rubber combination also. It is a soft plastic material which is commonly used in strokers and masturbation sleeves. Many experts showed concern on the TPE. But a good branded TPE product can’t hamper your body and also add pleasure in your mind.

Features and Characteristics of TPE:

1. This is soft plastic material and very common materials for sex toys.

2. It is basically suitable for masturbation sex toys products.

3. This sex toys material is challenging for new users.  But a good branded TPE sex toys product can’t any negative affect on your body.

4. Using condom is the best solutions for any bacterial infection.

5. This can’t boil or bleach.

One suggestion is that do not use oil with these products. You can use just silicone lubricant.

Stainless steel:

Stainless steel is common material for sex toys now. This is used for internal sex zones pleasure. This material sex toys are suitable for the A-spot, G-spot, and P-spot. Normally the stainless steel sex toys are heavier than other body safe sex toys, for example, glass, silicone, and ABS plastic materials. By using these types of materials, your sex toy would be safe and stimulated pleasure

Features and Characteristics of Stainless Steel:

1. It is the more easy material for transformation into sex toys and making heavy sex toys.

2. The stainless steel is the suitable material for any temperature.

3. You can use any type of lubricant in stainless steel sex toys.

4. It has easy cleanup methods.


The glass based sex materials are the body safe and lots enjoyable. The glass sex toy has different shaped and it is easy to clean up and maintaining. Basically the glass sex toys are made of borosilicate glass. The glass sex toy can control any pressure and temperature also. And these materials are safe for sex toy.

Features and Characteristics of Glass for sex toy:

1. The borosilicate glass is fully firm and stable.

2. Borosilicate glass is non porous, body safe  

3. Due to the ingredients, the glass sex toys are easy to clean.

4. You can add any lubricant for better pleasure.

5. The glass sex toys are environment friendly. You can heat it and also cool for the temperature basis.

6. For the cleaning, you can just use normal dishwasher with soup, bleach and other cleaning materials.

Lots of glass toys are available in the honeysx.com.

Polyvinyl Chloride or PVC:  

Polyvinyl Chloride is the synthetic polymer. It is produced for many purposes. Besides, sex toys supplier also use it for sex toys. It has two forms. But for the sex toys manufacturers used just flexible or liquid PVC. Although it has porous but now manufacturers mixed some chemicals for soften and body safe.

Features and Characteristics of PVC:

1. These materials are mostly vibrator friendly.

2. It has large durable and relatively low cost. This is helpful for new sex toy starter.

3. This material is polymer type.

4. It is safer substitute.

5. It has also health risk. But this can be minimized by using safe chemicals.

6. It is now phthalate free and safe for body.

7. Just clean it. Do not boil it.


Jelly sex toy considered toxic and not safe for body. But now a day’s safe jelly sex toys are also available. This is like rubber type and easy to handle in sexual intercourse time. Experts suggest that it has negative side effects, and they refer to use alternative sex toy. Currently, many manufacturers are producing body safe sex toy. It is made best pleasure for every position.

Features and Characteristics of Jelly Sex toy material:

1. The sex toy material jelly is porous  

2. It is basically low quality sex toy material.

3. In the jelly, there are phthalates more ranges.

4. The sex toy material jelly breaks down quickly and also can crack or melt.

5. Expert suggests that it is not good for sex toys but remaking jelly are useful for sex toys.


Metal is the popular sex toy material now. The metal sex toys are very sustainable and high quality. Different types of metals are using to make sex toys like titanium, aluminum and precious metal like gold and silver.

Features and Characteristics of metal sex toy:

1. It is high quality sex toy material.

2. It is sustainable and long term duration.

3. It is easy to clean. Just use dishwasher with soap, bleach.

4. It is safe and exciting options for sex toys.

5. Toys made from different metals will be super firm and heavy as well as great for temperature play.

6. It is also suitable for allergies patients because it has nickel.

Wood material for sex toys

Wooden sex toys are very unique and more sustainable. Wooden sex toys can be body safe. Wooden sex toys have the most wonderful alive texture. So, however, wooden sex toys are body safe and health risk free.

Features and Characteristics of wooden sex toys:

1. It is body safe.

2. It has long term duration

3. Infection risk is not available in wooden sex toys.



What do you mean by porous sex toys?

There are many sex toys are available in the market. So, anyone can’t judge the safe sex toy for its different materials. Porous is common matter in sex toys. In some sex toys, there are many tiny holes which liquid the germs and bacteria. These kinds of sex toys are called porous sex toys. So, sex toys user need to use condom or other protection when they are engaged sexual intercourse. And be sure the cleanliness matter for that type of sex toys.


What do you mean by Phthalates?

The Phthalates are the harmful chemicals. For soften and squishy, manufacturers used that material in sex toys. They also can be used to make more transparent and durable. But it has health risk. So as a new starter of sex toys business, you need to avoid any Phthalates for manufacturing sex toys.


What is phthalate free sex toy?

Phthalates free sex toy is body safe sex toy in which any harmful chemicals not used.


What’s the best sex toys material?

Sex toy expert identify some body safe sex toys material. Some important body safe sex toys materials are Silicone, Stainless Steel, metal, glass, wood, lubricant etc.


What’s the bad sex toy material?

There are some sex toys materials which have health risk. So when you are using or manufacturing sex toys, you should examine the sex toys materials. Some bad sex toys materials are jelly, rubber, PVC, latex etc.

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