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How to be a better feminist by paying for your porn

According to studies, consumers with sufficient disposable income prefer to make moral decisions about the clothing and food they consume, but they give less thought to the brand of dishwashing liquid or light bulbs they use. But how do moral principles affect the money spent on entertainment? Media consumers who are ethically conscious are probably careful to pay for the books, TV shows, and movies they wish to support and make it a point to avoid the objectionable content. What about the moral consumption of pornography, the most common kind of media online?

Since there are so many free naked pictures and films on the internet, it has long been believed that only suckers pay for porn. However, female business owners in the adult entertainment industry are banking on the willingness of consumers to pay for porn in the future. Being a responsible porn viewer now involves paying for it.

How do the porn industry get funding?

Who is actually funding porn? Statistics on the economics of pornography are elusive. There has been some demographic research done on this subject, nevertheless. According to one study, inhabitants of states with conservative sexuality laws are more inclined to pay for porn; in these states, 5% of internet users pay for porn. According to another studies, persons with greater incomes and college degrees are more willing to pay for all types of online content.

The difference between the porn industry years ago and now?

People are more conscious than ever that real people are behind their porn because stars from the adult entertainment industry like James Deen are breaking into mainstream films and Duke University student Miriam Weeks (also known as Belle Knox) is appearing on cable television shows. Porn consumers are now forced to face a certain truth because of Knox, whose career was mercilessly exposed to the world by a fellow student out of retaliation, and that fact is that the individuals you watch in pornography are just as human as they are. Like any other employment, performing is largely done by performers to pay the bills. That might make viewers reevaluate how much free porn they watch.

In addition to making it simpler for women to get adult entertainment online, indie porn businesses have been able to flourish due to the simplicity with which videos can now be shot and edited. All of this is wonderful news for adult entertainment start-ups that concentrate on the pleasure of women. However, historically, it has also been challenging for independent pornographers to secure the funding they require to complete their projects. Many women-oriented porn site creators, including Rutledge, claim that their more morally conscientious porn sites have more devoted patrons and experience less credit card fraud than conventional porn sites. But because of the relatively high default rates connected with porn sites—which result from customers paying for porn and then denying they bought the service when it appears on their credit card statement—porn entrepreneurs generally have trouble obtaining banks to support their operations. Additionally, PayPal flatly does not handle transactions for the adult sector.

The reality of porn industry

The popular adult tube site Pornhub, In 2018, received over 33 million visits, or around 92 million users each day. And 61% of the visitors were between the ages of 18 and 34. There are a ton of millennials aimlessly wanking to (apparently) free porn in that picture. It’s difficult to know where to begin with tube porn sites, many of which are owned by MindGeek. However, they are frequently accused of pirating content without the actor’s or director’s permission. Nobody can be certain if they are aware that the content they are submitting is stolen. But it is taking place.

Additionally, there is little to no information regarding the actors who appear in the videos they host. We don’t even know their names, let alone if they received payment for their efforts or gave permission for each and every scene they were in. We don’t know anything about the director, their creative principles, or whether they were just to the actors.

Additionally, you only need to glance at the category sidebar to notice how trans people, BAME, and women are fetishized and reduced to negative stereotypes. The language used in video descriptions is frequently offensive and aggressive, and much of the footage shows violence against women and girls. You can watch men and people with penises ejaculate in porn, but it’s illegal for someone who has a vagina to do so. This industry is guided by some misogynist laws, and it offers few options for those who discover that their work is being shared for free on tube sites without their consent.

Women are ultimately the ones who suffer as a result of this. Because of this, if we truly care about women, we should really be purchasing and seeking out feminized and moral porn. The majority of today’s porn is produced by people who aren’t particularly passionate about sex or even film. According to adult film director and writer Erika Lust, they simply want to make a quick cash by depicting people having sex. 

The Swedish mother-of-two isn’t in the business for the money, unlike the tube sites controlled by internet companies. Porn is political in her eyes. She also aims to take on the troublesome mainstream porn sites one gorgeously produced film at a time. “I like to refer to my movies as “indie adult cinema” since it sounds amazing and fascinating. I place a lot of importance on aesthetics and the ability to convey a compelling story. I could refer to my films as “porn” because I do depict explicit sex in them. However, the word ‘porn’ has earned a bad reputation. People today associate the word “porn” with something obscene or repulsive. It takes time to make indie porn like mine. Every little choice matters; the idea itself is different.

She is equally committed to opposing the anonymity of mainstream porn. When you click on a video on a website for watching videos, you have no knowledge who made the film, who the performers are, or anything else regarding the making of it. “It’s absurd that everything is now fully anonymous. If I’m going to watch a video, I want to learn more about the person who made it, says Erika. “I would like to read an interview with them or see a picture of them, but there is nothing. Today, it seems as though computers or robots produce porn. That is sad.

Will quitting to watch porn make it better? No!

There is no doubt that avoiding porn altogether is not the solution. Erika merely wants consumers to make better decisions. Fortunately, there are a few trustworthy locations where you can obtain good, sensual, and moral porn. British producer Anna Richards founded the website FrolicMe, which caters to women. In addition, sex blogger Girl on the Net does audio porn—right, that’s having erotic stories read aloud—very, really well.

But in order to increase the availability of high-quality porn, consumers must be prepared to pay for it. Fairly compensating actors, writers, and directors can be more expensive than doing unethical porn shootings, therefore independent porn producers must rely on their audience members to cover the costs as they lack the support of conventional financial institutions.

How to be a better Feminist and show you are a person that acknowledge the hard work of others

If you want to wank, put your hand in your wallet before giving up free porn. Erika responds, “You have to pay for it. “It’s only common sense that if you pay for your food, it will be better. And how in the world can anything be free when it comes to porn? You should ask yourself that.

Know more about your porn actors

Adult actors can be found online, and many of them frequently tweet about their roles. If they are promoting and sharing the work they appear in on social media, they must be pleased with it. You might be able to determine whether the actor is at least 18 years old by looking at their social media accounts.

Watch your porn on the original site

If you find a video on a tube for watching videos that you want to see, find out who made it, go to the website of the creator, and pay to watch it there. In this manner, independent filmmakers are genuinely compensated.


The best porn producers are experimenting with a few different methods to entice viewers to pay for their work. In place of purchasing the entire film at once, several websites now charge viewers per minute. By making their services more engaging, many subscription websites and TV channels also strive to foster a user base that will be more devoted to the site. It’s true that spending money and time on research might make it feel a little more like work. That climax will taste even sweeter knowing the folks you’re wanking to are compensated, safe, and consenting.



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