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How Roleplaying Helps Make Sex More Comfortable?

While sex, role playing proves to be very useful. Role playing in sex helps in pleasure seeking in a beautiful manner. It not only seduces both persons but also creates more fun for both the members.

The major cause of roleplaying is that it can help man or women to overcome shyness. At the first attempt, everybody feels the fear or shyness to involve in sex but then it remains confined only to a specific group of people. For a female roleplaying provides more ease as compared to males. Just like a French maid character. If a French maid wants to do sex with his master, at first attempt she will face shyness and fear. But when she removes her clothes and came out as a nude role player all her shyness will fade away. Just because this society has created a border line between the classes of people. And while doing sex, only roleplaying can assist them to get rid of these classes.

Both the genders want to play their equal part in role playing just because of the ongoing war of fear and shyness in them. This fear is merely due to the fantasies created by both genders. But they are afraid that they will made mistakes like fools while doing sex. Moreover, these fantasies will no longer remain the same.

Let’s discuss some point that helps in role playing to make sex comfortable:

1. Use of sex toys/gadgets:

Sexy lingerie doesn’t matter a lot but physical appearance and body shape matters a lot for sex. One can use different toys for this purpose. Examples of such stuff is: Handcuffs, O-Type Mouth Gag, some long ropes,fox anal tail etc. They may help in better role playing like activities. Such gadgets can turn on the partner while doing sex.

2. Find some turning point:

For those people, who are ready to do the sex for the first time, it is very essential to get rid of shyness. To do this, their partner must find some turning point. That will let them to overcome their fear and shyness. To turn on your partner you can you can relate them with any other person around you. Just gave them a clue and they will be turned on. For example, if you are a university student you can gave them a clue by telling them that the XYZ professor is so sexy. You can also do it by showing them a pic of porn star from Instagram. You can also give a clue by asking your partner to wear the beautiful frock which gave a sexy look to her breasts.

There are some other methods too by which you can give them a turning point. You can tell your partner that you have seen a dream about them and in that dream your partner is looking so horny. You have never seen such a horny dream before. You can tell them what exactly happened in that dream. Let them know precisely about the happenings of your dream. Tell them all the major and minor details of your dream. Satisfy them until you know that your wording is turning them on.

3. Let them know that they will not be judged in bedroom

Fear or shyness in a person is also because he may feel that you will judge them. So, firstly declare that your bedroom is the comfortable place for your partner and you are not going to judge them inside the bedroom. If you do so, they will feel free during intercourse. While doing so, one can easily speak about what’s going in his or her mind without any shyness and judgmental fear. Before starting role playing you should discuss all your fantasies together and by doing so both of you can enjoy together and fulfill all your desires. Never ever try to share all the details with the one whom you are going to play the role. Try to keep your secrets confine to you. Once you get involved in sex, you will become habitual to it. You will lose all your senses while doing this.

4. Both the partners should accept that their fantasies will never stick so long:

Before doing sex, one has different fantasies but while doing sex all the fantasies changed. At the bed everything goes opposite. Before doing sex, things appear differently in a different manner but at bed things become changed. All these things seems as a gift in a bed. Even for a lady who doesn’t want to get attracted towards the sex or for a boy who loves to focus on a career 24/7.

5. Speak up with your partner:

It is not recommended that on the first sex night you should appear up with full-on dressing and started speaking any kind of wording. But you should give some time to your partner at the beginning. You should speak up to him/her. At starting, go with easy vocab so that your partner will get 100% of what you wanted to convey. It will provide an ease to him/her. He or she may get comfortable in any position. Save your super sexy clothes for other time but do not use them all at the beginning. Moreover, to provide ease to your partner you can say that this was the step, I have seen in the video and now I want to do it with you.

6. You can put the limits before the time:

You may put the limits before getting started. This may help you in clearing the mind of your partner and you will also get a clear idea of what you are going to do. On the other hand, your partner will feel more comfortable in your bed. So, it is recommended to set the limits already. Other things if your partner wants to do, can be done consent wise. But at least you can get an idea of what will happen in the next moment. Protection is really necessary for both the genders. Because sometimes the outcome may differ from what you two are expecting. Dominancy also matters in such kind of relations. No doubt that the consent may change with the passage of time but you can get an idea before performing the activity.

7. Avail the options:

Are you not able to choose that which option would be the best one for you? Sometimes, this thing happens too. But this is not that much complicated. You can change the option depending upon the circumstances. But at start, you have to take a firm stance. Here are some options available for role playing. You can avail anyone from them.              

Traveler or Car owner

Consumer or Delivery boy

Teacher or scholar

Referee or player

Army man or public servant

Chef or Maid

Cheated husband/wife

Customer at a salon

Customer or Banker

Master or Maid

Internee or Boss

Gardner or Owner

Bus Conductor or Passenger

Customer at bar or club


Client of the company

Principal or teacher

Examiner or student

Boss or secretary

Gate Keeper or House Owner

Taxi driver or passenger


Drug Store Owner

Doctor or Patient

Maid or nursery teacher

Once someone involves in doing sex, he or she may be termed as a fanatic by people around him/her. Evaluating through one’s own mind and soul is very important before getting involved in role playing. Prepare for all the role play before getting started. Keep all the points ready in your mind. Physical appearance matters a lot. Your dressing has a biggest impact on your partner’s mind. It will help him/her turning on. Hair styling also do the same. For passing the quality time, you should keep in mind these factors too. Your partner will never feel shy if you provide him ease at every level. You should give your 100% in playing the role. Your performance really matters a lot.

You can also use tail plug help you in making role playing a greater activity and buy them for seeking pleasure.

For everyone, it’s really a tough job to involve their counter parts in sex while enjoying every position which they want to do so. But at bed, when both of them loose their senses, it becomes a difficult job. Sometimes, these things remain as one-sided dreams because the desired view does not come as output. Peace of mind also remain unfulfilled. So, let your partner came out of their zone of fear. Comfort zone will make role playing effective.

8. Consider your own thoughts:

Which thing really matters for you? From where you seek the maximum pleasure? Which thing helps you in turning on? What are your sexual desires? Which desires arose in you when you started getting the feel? What you expect from your partner? Under different conditions, what kind of sexual thoughts came into your mind? Have you ever read out about any sexual character in the novel? Which sexual movie character do you like the most?

Role playing leads to the simplest thoughts in your imagination. Before role play, consider or assume any possible thought or event that helps you to turn on or think about any romantic date that you want to enjoy with you partner. Let your feelings and thoughts came out and enjoy the surroundings. Seek the pleasure in such manner.

9. Speak up about your thoughts:

Role playing functions everywhere. No matter what the situation is. It really works. You and your partner can feel satisfied through it. Your partner just needs to take part with you in it. No matter what kind of role you are assigned to perform, you can get the relevant costume. You just have to show all your energy to satisfy your partner. Before getting started, just show your interest and turn on your partner. Then, let the game begin.

You may start up by asking him/her various questions. One such question is: “Can you be my heroine and let me be your slave?”

10. Make it strange/different or go as usual

Sex or role playing demands some energy. One of the partners may accumulate all the energy and let it transfer to the partner. It will be very helpful for the situation. Sometimes in role playing you have to act in an unusual manner. This will open up the part for sex between you and your partner. Both of you can provide comfort zone to the shy person among you in a secure way.

11. Start in a low tone:

Many persons consider role play a foolish act. They consider that pretending just put both the partners in an uncomfortable situation. They do not consider that it turns you on.  They Just begin with a low tone. Try to get rid of the shyness and fear. If both the partners get rid of it, they will enjoy and sense it more interesting. You will feel it just as the drama scene before you and you are one of the characters of that drama. You have a leading role.

12. Change your physical appearance or you can go undressed:

Your physical appearance in a drama does not matter. The only thing that matters is your imaginator sense. If you do not want to buy expensive hats, gloves or shoes, you can skip it easily and move on to the next. But if you want to put the imaginative scene into a reality, you can do it by changing your physical appearance. You can purchase all the essentials of you on choice because it will really double the fun and helpful in turning on.


Sometimes, role playing seems awkward but it’s alright. It is a full new game and no one is expecting you to be the perfect at the start. It’s okay if you can’t give your 100%. You just have to pay your full attention to your partner. With the passage of time, you will become the perfect. You will start enjoying this pleasure-seeking activity. You just have to do the best from your side. And, then let it go.

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